We are contacting you to provide you with an update on the Residential Tenancies Amendment Bill. The Bill has been introduced to Parliament and had its First Reading on 20 February.
The Bill has been referred to the Social Services and Community Select Committee. The Committee has called for public submissions on the Bill – submissions close on Wednesday 25 March 2020.
Here is a link to the Parliament website where you can make a submission. The page includes links to the text of the Bill and the First Reading speeches. Information on how to make submissions to select committees can be found here: https://www.parliament.nz/en/pb/sc/how-to-make-a-submission/.
The Bill will:
The Bill also includes additional Ultra-fast Broadband proposals to:
The following links include further information on the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development website: www.hud.govt.nz/RTA-Reforms. https://www.hud.govt.nz/news-and-resources/proactive-releases/. There are frequently asked questions and proactive release material available.
NgÄ mihi,
Residential Tenancies Act Reform Team
Tenures and Housing Quality |Housing and Urban Settings
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