Official Cash Rate (OCR) unchanged at 1.75 percentStatement by Reserve Bank Acting Governor Grant Spencer: The Reserve Bank today left the Official Cash Rate (OCR) unchanged at 1.75 percent.28-09-2017 more >> Local investor shares the property journey, so far. TPIA Meeting September 19 2017Colin Comber, along with his wife Margaret, commenced investing in residential property in New Plymouth in 2002, by buying the ‘property next door that housed the tenants from hell.19-09-2017 more >> Protection of tenant rights"It is important to protect tenant rights," said Andrew King, executive officer of the NZ Property Investors’ Federation. "However, it is not correct to say that tenants have no rights in New Zealand and that tenancy laws need to be rebalanced towards the tenant".18-09-2017 more >> Landlords offer stable tenanciesA survey of 816 rental property owners shows that 49% would like their tenants to stay in the property for a very long time as they have no intention of selling. Another 12.7% would like them to stay for at least the next 10 years after which they may start thinking about selling the property.15-09-2017 more >> Facts not scaremongeringIn a Radio NZ interview today, Labour's housing spokesperson said that the NZ Property Investors' Federation (NZPIF) was scaremongering by releasing findings of a survey that showed that nearly three quarters of rental property owners would increase rents if some of Labour's housing policies were introduced. He also said that NZPIF did not explain why this would happen.14-09-2017 more >> State of the rental property providers surveyThe NZPIF membership survey was conducted between 7 and 12 September 2017. There were 816 respondents.13-09-2017 more >> 816 landlords react to Labour's housing proposalsThe NZ Property Investors' Federation (NZPIF) received 816 responses to a survey of rental property owners giving their thoughts on a variety of matters currently affecting their industry.13-09-2017 more >> Labour needs to front up on housing policiesTo assist voters in their decision making on September 23, Labour needs to front up on the cost of their housing policies for rental property providers and their tenants.11-09-2017 more >> Activity of two relatively new tenant advocacy groups. .These groups sent out a call to their supporter database and social media channels asking for peoples "stories" about how they found renting and the condition of their rental properties. They then interpreted these stories to produce a report of what renting is like in New Zealand.09-09-2017 more >> NZPIF comments on Labour policy announcementsHere are comments on the policy statements released by Labour on Sunday04-09-2017 more >> Landlord bashing is going too farBecause of a minor technicality, a dunedin landlord has been forced to refund back to their tenant all the rent that they paid over a nine month period.01-09-2017 more >>
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