Taranaki Property Investors' Association


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Archive: March 2023

Supply of rentals decreasing

Sue Harrison says that the survey of members in February this year, highlights the changes in members’ attitudes since 2021 when the same survey was carried out
23-03-2023 more >>

TPIA 21st March Monthly Meeting: Sustaining Tenancies

Sustaining Tenancies. TPIA are excited to introduce Roderique Hope Trust, who are administering the Sustaining Tenancies service providing free, tailored, practical support to individuals and whānau to help them retain their tenancies and avoid homelessness. We will hear about how this free service could help our tenants sustain their tenancies and improve areas such as budgeting/rent arrears, neighbour issues, communicating with WINZ & KO, section clean ups and more. Sponsored by Stephanie Murray Mortgages, a big supporter of Roderique Hope Trust. Come along, network and learn how we can support our tenants in a new way.
21-03-2023 more >>

What's ahead for renting in 2023

Phenomenal rain in Auckland and other areas causing destructive flooding is life as we know it in a world facing pandemics, climate change, and other challenges such as earthquakes and eruptions.  Taking on investment properties has never been for the faint hearted and the risk profile seems ever increasing.
01-03-2023 more >>

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