Taranaki Property Investors' Association


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TPIA 21st March Monthly Meeting: Sustaining Tenancies

Guest Speaker: Roderique Hope Trust's Michelle Ramage on Sustaning Tenancies

TPIA are excited to introduce Roderique Hope Trust, who are administering the Sustaining Tenancies service providing free, tailored, practical support to individuals and whanau to help them retain their tenancies and avoid homelessness. We will hear about how this free service could help our tenants sustain their tenancies and improve areas such as budgeting/rent arrears, neighbour issues, communicating with WINZ & KO, section clean ups and more. Sponsored by Stephanie Murray Mortgages, a big supporter of Roderique Hope Trust. Come along, network and learn how we can support our tenants in a new way.

Doors open at 7, grab a drink from the bar on your way through, or enjoy a complimentary cup of coffee / tea and have a chance to chat to the speakers and network before the meeting kicks off at 7:30pm.



enlightenedWHERE: Plymouth International Hotel, 20 Courtney Street, New Plymouth.

enlightenedWHEN: Tuesday 21st March, doors open 7pm for networking, please be seated by 7:30pm


  • Non-members $20 - registration and prepyment online through the TPIA website is essential. No door sales sorry. Please ensure registration is completed with correct names and contact details of attendees.  
  • Members bring your membership card (or App) for free entry.


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Come along, be informed, network, or find out about the TPIA

Tuesday 21st March, doors open 7pm for networking, please be seated by 7:30pm.

New Plymouth International Hotel, 220 Courtenay Street, New Plymouth

Door Charge: Non-members $20 - online registration and prepyment essential. No door sales sorry. Please ensure registration is completed with correct names and contact details of attendees. Members bring your membership card (or App) for free entry.

Tags: monthly meeting