Taranaki Property Investors' Association


News & Updates

Recent updates

  • NZPIF challenges statements made by the Associate Minister of Housing
    The Associate Minister of Housing Kris Faafoi issued a press release last night regarding the passing of the Residential Tenancies Amendment Bill.  The President of the NZ Property Investors’ Federation, Andrew King, challenges statements made in this release. 
    06-08-2020 more >>
  • Government delivers on rental reforms promise
    The Government has delivered on its promise to New Zealanders to modernise tenancy laws with the passing of the Residential Tenancies Amendment (RTA) Bill 2020 today, says Associate Minister of Housing (Public Housing), Kris Faafoi.
    05-08-2020 more >>
  • Sad day for tenants and landlords
    Today Parliament has passed under urgency the Residential Tenancies Amendment Bill. This bill has some major changes for both tenants and landlords alike, and none of them are good news.
    05-08-2020 more >>
  • Students fight for their right to party
    Verbal submissions were made today to the Social Services Select Committee looking into changes to the Residential Tenancies Act. A section of the Act gives tenants the right to perform up to eight significantly disruptive acts a year, and, as long as there are not more than two of these in any one three month period, it will not be until the end of that year that their landlord can apply to have their tenancy ended with three months’ notice.
    17-04-2020 more >>
  • REINZ survey finds more than 80% of Kiwis disagree with ending the 90-day notice
    More than 80% of New Zealanders disagree with ending the no-cause 90-day notice as outlined in the proposed changes to the Residential Tenancies Amendment Bill, according to a recent survey conducted by the Real Estate Institute of New Zealand (REINZ).
    02-03-2020 more >>
  • Submissions about the RTA changes now open until March 25 2020
    Residential Tenancies Act Reform Team has sent out the information which follows about the progress of the Residential Tenancies Amendment Bill. Submissions can now be sent in to the Social Services and Community Select Committee
    26-02-2020 more >>
  • Residential Tenancies Amendment Act (No2) passed
    This Act was passed on 30 July.
    02-08-2019 more >>
  • An update on two critically important reviews of the rental industry
    Two critically important reviews on the rental industry are underway simultaneously at present. The RTA Review and the review of standards for the Healthy Homes Guarantee Bill.
    03-12-2018 more >>
  • Public submissions have be called for RTA Amendment Bill (No 2)
    The Residential Tenancies Amendment Bill (No 2) covers three key areas - unlawful rental properties, meth in rental properties and fixing up the debacle of tenants not being responsible for damage that they cause.
    09-08-2017 more >>
  • Renting out unlawful premises
    Building and Construction Minister, Nick Smith, recently introduced the Residential Tenancies Amendment Bill (no 2). While the part seeking to address the situation of tenants not being responsible for accidental damage they cause has received a lot of attention, there is another significant part to the Bill. This relates to landlords renting out unlawful premises.
    09-07-2017 more >>
  • What does the Residential Tenancies Amendment Bill (2) mean for property investors?
    Andrew King takes you through the Residential Tenancies Amendment Act (2) introduced to Parliament on 23 May 2017 for its first reading.
    26-05-2017 more >>
  • RTA Amendment provides protections and clarity for tenants and landlords
    The Residential Tenancies Amendment Bill (No. 2) introduced to Parliament today will provide better protections and clarity for tenants and landlords, Building and Construction Minister Dr Nick Smith says.
    23-05-2017 more >>
  • Minister welcomes first landlord conviction under new law
    Building and Construction Minister Dr Nick Smith has welcomed the Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment’s (MBIE) Tenancy Compliance and Investigations Team’s first successful prosecution of a landlord for renting a substandard property, under the Government’s tenancy law reform passed last year.
    17-03-2017 more >>
  • Stiffer penalties for landlords
    The Government is seeking to introduce policies intended to encourage our industry to smarten up its act. The two key proposals are increasing the consequences of retaliatory action and giving Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment greater powers to prosecute landlords who provide substandard rental property. Another concerns changes to breaching a work order.
    20-07-2015 more >>

  • Results: 1-14 of 14