On RadioNZ on Sunday 7 June Wallace Chapman’s show hosted four different viewpoints on renting .Those interviewed were Jane a Wellington renter, Shamubeel Eaqub NZIER economist, Kayla from an advocacy group for renters and Andrew King Executive Officer of the NZPIF
Jane, a renter in Wellington's Lyall Bay, and finds that her living conditions are neither commensurate with the rent paid nor adequate for a safe and secure home. Listen to Jane here
Shamubeel Eaqub . NZ Institute of Economic Research principal economist on the the country's evolving rental market, the basis of his new book 'Generation Rent - Rethinking New Zealand's Priorities'. Listen to Shamubeel here
An advocacy group for renters was launched in Wellington recently - Wellington Renters United. Kayla spoke at its launch and this is her story. Listen to Kayla here
Andrew King Executive Officer of the New Zealand Property Investors Federation which represents around 6000 of the country's approximately 300,000 landlords. Listen to Andrew here
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