Protection of tenant rights "It is important to protect tenant rights," said Andrew King, executive officer of the NZ Property Investors’ Federation. "However, it is not correct to say that tenants have no rights in New Zealand and that tenancy laws need to be rebalanced towards the tenant". 18-09-2017 more >>
Activity of two relatively new tenant advocacy groups. . These groups sent out a call to their supporter database and social media channels asking for peoples "stories" about how they found renting and the condition of their rental properties. They then interpreted these stories to produce a report of what renting is like in New Zealand. 09-09-2017 more >>
TINZ in the news An advocacy group Renters United is worried the TINZ tenant checking system could be abused. TINZ allows landlords to rate tenants at the end of their tenancy and see how other landlords have rated applicants. 04-02-2017 more >>
Proposal for an Osaki remedy Andrew King reports on the NZPIF has had meetings with Housing Minister Dr Nick Smith and outlines all the discussion which is going on behind the scenes. 18-11-2016 more >>
Good news on tenancy abandonment In a surprise move, Government is seeking to amend the RTA to improve processes for resolving tenancy abandonment cases. These are cases where the rent is in arrears and the tenant has vacated the property without giving notice. 17-07-2015 more >>
Four different views on renting On RadioNZ on Sunday 7 June Wallace Chapman’s show hosted four different viewpoints on renting .Those interviewed were Jane a Wellington renter, Shamubeel Eaqub NZIER economist, Kayla from an advocacy group for renters and Andrew King Executive Officer of the NZPIF 07-06-2015 more >>
Rental housing for the older age group Private landlords will be encouraged to consider those in the 65+ age group to be a significant tenant group as the New Zealand population continues to age over the next few decades and home ownership trends change. 03-05-2015 more >>
Want to own a home - but not even looking New research by the Westpac-Massey University Fin-Ed Centre shows that while New Zealanders overwhelmingly want to own a home, most renters aren't even looking to buy in the current market. 09-12-2014 more >>
Moving house affects children Many more families are now living in rental accommodation for significant periods of the first years of their children’s lives. A new report by the Growing up in New Zealand longitudinal study shows that families living in private rental accommodation are the most likely to move in this early period of life. 08-12-2014 more >>
Smoke alarms in rental properties Tenants Protection Association says recent calls for mandatory smoke alarm installations in rental properties is an opportunity for all parties to come together to improve the safety and quality of rental housing. 26-11-2014 more >>
Tenant trouble pushes landlords to sell Many landlords are choosing to sell their properties because of bad experiences with tenants, says the president of the New Zealand Property Investors Federation. 27-01-2014 more >>