Taranaki Property Investors' Association


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TPIA November Monthly Meeting: Ask the Industry Experts

Ask the Industry Experts and a free drink on us!


Join us for our final monthly meeting for 2022 where we will hear from:

Accountant: Ross Whitmore, Balanced Accounting Taranaki
Property Manager: Suzanne Peters, Property Brokers
Commercial Property: Kevin Hight, McDonald Real Estate
Seasoned Investor: Colin Comber

We have always enjoyed hosting industry experts for a members night experience. This time we get the opportunity to sit down with some great local experts and ask any questions you want in a small group environment. This is the best opportunity all year to network with many seasoned investors whilst gaining industry knowledge in a relaxed, supportive, friendly environment.

As it is our last meeting for the year, we are also giving away a free drink on entry to celebrate investing in 2022!

You dont have to be a member to attend and gain some gold nuggets of information for any stage of your property journey, come along and see what our evenings are like and the many benefits of a TPIA membership.

This evening is kindly sponsored by Balanced Acounting Taranaki

Doors open at 7, grab a drink from the bar on your way through, or enjoy a complimentary cup of coffee / tea and have a chance to chat to the speakers and network before the meeting kicks off at 7:30pm.


enlightenedWHERE: Plymouth International Hotel, 20 Courtney Street, New Plymouth.

enlightenedWHEN: Doors open 7pm for networking, please be seated by 7:30pm


  • Non-members $20 - registration and prepyment online through the TPIA website is essential. No door sales sorry. Please ensure registration is completed with correct names and contact details of attendees.  
  • Members bring your membership card (or App) for free entry.

Evening kindly sponsored by

Want to join?

Been to a meeting and want to become a member to attend more? Only $159 per couple for your first year using the coupon code NEW (regular annual membership $190). Check out the benefits and join  at https://taranaki.nzpif.org.nz/registrations/join or email taranaki@nzpif.org.nz for more information.


Come along, be informed, network, or find out about the TPIA

Tuesday 15th November, doors open 7pm for networking, please be seated by 7:30pm.

New Plymouth International Hotel, 220 Courtenay Street, New Plymouth

Door Charge: Non-members $20 - online registration and prepyment essential. No door sales sorry. Please ensure registration is completed with correct names and contact details of attendees. Members bring your membership card (or App) for free entry.