Taranaki Property Investors' Association


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TPIA May Monthly Meeting: Black Robin Equity

Traditional landlording was hit hard in 2021 by changes to tax law, increased regulation, extreme price rises and overwhelming borrowing restrictions. Is all of this making you think twice about traditional property investment? If so, then join us to hear from experts in the property development sector and commercial property industry to learn about alternative property investments that might make more sense right now.

Guest speakers:

Dave Wigmore, Managing Director, Black Robin Equity

Jasmine Yao, Head of Investor Relation,  Black Robin Equity

Evening kindly sponsored by:

Kevin Hight, Commercial Sales and Lending, McDonal Real Estate


The doors will be open at 7pm, we invite you to arrive with plenty of time to network and meet others before we start at 7:30pm.


We are currently in Covid-19 Protection Framework ORANGE

This means we will still be hosting our meeting in person, but have a few things we ask our attendees to follow:

  • If you are feeling unwell, or have any cold or flu symptoms, please stay home.
  • If you are a household contact of a positive person within the last 14 days, please also stay home.
  • We are restricting to 100 attendees - please ensure you book your ticket online to reserve your spot. Members have space reserved, you do not need to book please bring your membership card to the event for scanning.
  • Masks are required when entering. During the meeting attendees are encouraged to wear a face covering where possible however once in the meeting room they are at your discretion. You can take them off to eat and drink.
  • Please check in at the table, guests and members need to be checked off to ensure numbers are counted. (receipts sighted / cards scanned).
  • Attendees can be seated or standing as long as they maintain 1m distance apart.
  • Presenters do not need to wear a face covering when on stage.


enlightenedVENUE: Plymouth International Hotel, doors open 7pm for networking, please be seated by 7:30pm


  • Non-members $20 - registration and prepyment online through the TPIA website is essential. No door sales sorry. Please ensure registration is completed with correct names and contact details of attendees.  
  • Members bring your membership card (or App) for free entry.



Been to a meeting and want to become a member to attend more? Only $159 per couple for your first year using the coupon code "NEW" (regular annual membership $190). Check out the benefits and join at https://taranaki.nzpif.org.nz/registrations/join or email taranaki@nzpif.org.nz for more information.


Come along, be informed, network, or find out about the TPIA

Tuesday 17th May, doors open 7pm for networking, please be seated by 7:30pm.

New Plymouth International Hotel, 220 Courtenay Street, New Plymouth

Door Charge: Non-members $20 - online registration and prepyment essential. No door sales sorry. Please ensure registration is completed with correct names and contact details of attendees. Members bring your membership card (or App) for free entry.

Tags: monthly meeting