The Taranaki Property Investors’ Association has postponed its scheduled Tuesday evening [March 17] public meeting in New Plymouth due to the coronavirus risk.
President Richard Woodd said the association had made the decision in the interests of the potential risk to the health of its members and guests.
“Having 50 or so persons in a confined environment appears to be one of the scenarios the World Health Organisation and the government are recommending that communities should avoid and we have taken that message on board,” Woodd said.
‘We acknowledge that the probability of contracting coronavirus locally at this time appears to be very low. However, the potential impacts on the inconvenience and health of individuals who come into contact with the virus are high; so we have made the decision to postpone.’
The venue is St Mary’s Peace Hall in Vivian St where two speakers were due to make presentations: Sieni Skelton-Richardson on how she purchased 16 rental properties, and Zenvest loan broker Murray Chong.
Woodd added: “The virus is a developing scenario so our programme for the next few months is uncertain at this point. As an association we will continue to monitor the public health advice and will keep our members and the public informed of our amended programme schedule consistent with that advice as it updates.”
Richard Woodd
President of Taranaki PIA
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