The two awards are Landlord of the Year sponsored by MBIE and NZPIF/Resene Renovation of the Award sponsored by Resene. These two Awards are now open and application forms can be found here and here .
The Landlord of the Year has been awarded annually since 2008. The first winners were Andrea and Andrew Elliott from OPIA and the winners in 2019 were Kristy and Richard Kelly from Taranaki PIA. The list of all the winners over the years is on the NZPIF website and can be found here .
Three of the previous winners talk about the benefits of going through the process of applying and of finally winning. Their property investment careers blossomed as a result. Watch this video
The number of entrants for the NZPIF/Resene Renovation of the Year has increased each year since it began in 2017. Donna Youngman was the first winner and has given a number of presentations to monthly meetings of Associations about her ideas and experience. Suzanne Taylor from Capital PIA was the winner in 2019.
Entries to both Awards close on August 7 and the presentations will be made on 17 October at the Gala Dinner of the 2020 NZPIF Conference
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