You have until the end of June next year to get everything sorted. That might seem like plenty of time but consider the fact that since the Residential Tenancies Act (RTA) changes were introduced in 2016, only 30% of the 180,000 rental properties requiring insulation have had the necessary work done.
That leaves at least 120,000 properties nationally needing to be insulated in the next 10 months. However, the insulation industry has the capacity to complete 50,000-60,000 properties a year. That means demand for insulation suppliers and installers is going to outstrip supply – and it’s only going to get more expensive to do this work.
Put simply, more than 60,000 properties still won’t be compliant come July 1 2019. Don’t let yours be among them.
What do you need to do before July 1, 2019?
All rental properties must have underfloor and ceiling insulation meeting the required standard – where it can practically be installed.
This is in addition to obligations which came into effect under the RTA in July 2016. These requirements are that:
What will happen once the deadline passes?
MBIE will begin conducting audits of rental properties to ensure they meet the requirements. Owners will need to provide sufficient proof from a professional and suitably experienced person/business that their properties meet the insulation requirements.
Get your property assessed – then keep the ball rolling
G-Force We Install will assess one or all of your properties at no charge and give you a full report on whether your property is compliant or not.
If a property is not compliant, then G-Force We Install can provide a quote and do the work to bring the property up to the required standard. If the property is compliant, they can provide you with a compliance certificate (for a small fee) that can be used as proof for the MBIE audit that you have met your obligations.
But it’s important to act now and follow through with installing insulation sooner rather than later.
Why G-Force We Install?
G-Force We Install is an official partner of the New Zealand Property Investors Federation. They are also the recommended insulation installer for Bunnings customers nationwide.
G-Force We Install takes the hassle and guesswork out of making your property portfolio compliant with the RTA’s new insulation requirements. They will manage the assessment, installation and documentation required to ensure your property has met the legal requirements of the RTA well ahead of the July 2019 deadline. In this way you will avoid penalties and the risk of ballooning costs closer to the deadline.
Preferential rates for NZPIF Members
G-Force provides NZPIF members with discounted rates for the install of insulation.
Full compliance reporting
They will provide you with an assessment report detailing which of your properties are compliant, which are not and what work needs to be done to make them all compliant.
Compliance documentation
A Certificate of Compliance for smoke alarms and insulation is issued at no charge once they complete an installation.
Please go here to make an enquiry on the NZPIF website, which will go to GForce, or see G-Force We Install’s website for further information:
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