Taranaki Property Investors' Association


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Panel/Educational Evening Kindly Sponsored by Mike Mansvelt- Land Scape Designer

So, who’s on your Team? 

Residential Property investment is not for the faint-hearted and it can involve financial risk, especially in these times of increased requirements and rapidly changing government policy.

If you are serious about property investment, and want to minimise your risk, you need to surround yourself with a team of experienced professionals who can assist you in your decision-making.

This month the Taranaki Property Investors’ Association is assembing a panel of experts to talk about what there respective disciplines can offer to someone looking to invest in residential rental property. Each will also share their thoughts on the information that someone looking to invest in property needs provide to their respective advisors’ to ensure they get the best advice.

Our panel of speakers will include a Registered Valuer, a Building Surveyor, a Mortgage Broker, a Chartered Accountant and a Property Lawyer. All local and all experienced professionals.

This meeting will have something for experienced investors as well as those just starting on the journey. So, come along and hear what our panel of experts have to say. And there will be an opportunity for you to ask the hard questions...


Tuesday, 19 March commencing 7.30pm

St Mary’s Peace Hall, 36 Vivian St

Door Charge: $20.00 pp.  - TPIA Members and their guests free.

 Lew Sarten – 027 373 8057

Stephanie Murray – 0800 330 022


This Event has been

Sponsered by

Michael Mansvelt Design

