The 2016 NZPIF Conference will be a stimulating and inspiring experience, assisting you to climb higher in your property investing and personal life. Here is the background of three of the Conference speakers and each has a message which will sustain you during the following 12 months.
The keynote speaker is Martin Ayles. So who is Martin Ayles and why should you make every effort to hear him?
By all accounts Martin is down to earth, common sense sort of chap – the sort of person you might meet in a coffee shop down the street. But what he has achieved is outstanding. He has purchased or developed over 150 properties over the past eight years. He might come across as an ordinary person but his investing journey has been quite incredible.
At the heart of Martin’s success are a broad strategy and his comprehensive Development Checklist which he pioneered and is the cornerstone to his automated investing system. He is always listening to the market to ensure that the way he does his renovation and development projects are always in demand. He will be sharing the essence of his success during his presentations.
If you are feeling stuck and that your life has plateaued, it is very worthwhile coming to the 2016 NZPIF Conference to hear Wendy Kerr. In her mentoring and coaching work she has worked with many clients whose growth has stalled. She has also worked with clients whose growth has accelerated. Through in-depth quantitative research, she as discovered seven essential personal qualities of a successful business person. She believes that these qualities can be acquired over time if you really want them. Over time you will grow with your business. Read more about Wendy’s work as director of the University of Auckland Business School's Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship ( )
Learn about another aspect of property investing from Bryce Barnett. Augusta Property Syndicates are structured to provide investors with a high yielding and highly tax effective investment in some of New Zealand’s top quality real estate, without any of the burdens of private property ownership. Bryce established KCL and when it was sold to Augusta Capital in 2014 he said the sale did not mean KCL would be leaving New Plymouth.
"We are not deserting the ship. We are not leaving. Even though Augusta Capital is an Auckland, publicly listed company, our focus will be to grow our provincial following even more and we will still have a strong New Plymouth base and presence,'' he said.
"It leads to exciting opportunities to introduce more products for a greater range of people under the new regime. “ Delegates will learn more about these exciting opportunities. For example this May Augusta Funds Management is syndicating an industrial property in Queensland, allowing New Zealand investors to invest into the Australian industrial property market with a minimum investment of A$50,000. ( )
Register for the 2016 NZPIF Conference at the discounted price by visiting before July 31
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