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Expressions of interest taken from Community Housing Providers

Ministers Bill English and Paula Bennett are pleased to announce the Government is now taking Expressions of Interest from Community Housing Providers (CHPs) to transfer social housing in Invercargill and Tauranga.

As announced by the Prime Minister in January, the Government’s Social Housing Reform Programme includes plans to transfer 1,000 to 2,000 Housing New Zealand Corporation houses and tenancies to registered CHPs over the next year.

Mr English, the Minister Responsible for Housing New Zealand, says following positive responses to market sounding, he is looking forward to seeing innovative proposals from providers interested in the 348 properties in Invercargill and the 1124 properties in Tauranga.

“We are looking for providers of social housing services who can bring innovation to how social housing tenants are supported and properties are managed.

“We are also looking for providers who want to expand their operation and grow their capability in a sustainable way, while making the most of their expertise in enhancing links across community-based social services to provide better outcomes for tenants.”

Mr English says market feedback has indicated the transactions should be completed in the second half of next year.

“At the request of potential providers, we’ve extended the procurement period by about 12 weeks to allow them more time to understand the opportunity and form bidding consortia if necessary,” he says.

“This is another important step in the Government’s programme to provide more housing that is of a better quality for vulnerable New Zealanders,” Social Housing Minister Paula Bennett says.

“Fundamentally, this is about putting tenants and their complex needs first. We know from extensive consultation in the earlier phases of the transaction process that community organisations are eager to take on a bigger role in supporting some of New Zealand’s most vulnerable.

“The community housing Sector has valuable local knowledge and frontline experience, and we are supporting them to realise their full potential.”

Those wanting to participate in Expressions of Interest need to register their interest via www.gets.govt.nz by February 9 2016.

Tags: social housing