All owners of property who insure that property pay a Fire Service levy. This levy makes up about 95% of the funding of this service. Is it fair and reasonable that those who pay for insurance should pay for a service which responds to the needs of everyone not just those who are insured. In addition the Fire Service is now expected to respond to a variety of non-fire emergencies like swift water rescues, storm damage, medical emergencies, and motor vehicle extrications. These services are now part of the work of the Fire Service. A current review of the Fire Service provides everyone with an opportunity to have input into what the Fire Service should look like and how it should be funded. The Fire Service Review Discussion Document has been circulated by Peter Dunne the Minister of Internal Affairs and the closing date for submissions is July 10
Read the document here$file/FSR-Discussion-Document-May-2015.pdf
The two funding options in this document still rely heavily on the levy on insurance. The Insurance Council of New Zealand (ICNZ) is very concerned that the Government is not considering dropping the insurance-based fire levy, in its review. Read more of the Insurance Council’s view point here.
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