Taranaki Property Investors' Association


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Resources from the March 29 Communications meeting

On March 29, representatives from most of the Property Investors’ Associations around New Zealand met in Wellington.  A variety of topics were covered and there was excellent input from the floor.  Resources and power point presentations from the day have been distributed to participants but here is a list of items which can be sent to you.

Power Point presentations

  • Political Update by Andrew King, Executive Officer

  • Fire Service presentation on value of smoke alarms by Peter Wilding of the Fire Service

  • Benefits of Infracomfort NZ’s infrared heating for rental properties by Pat Kane of Infracomfort.

Checklists and notes

Attracting and Retaining members.  This was developed from a mini workshop held in the morning and includes many suggestions from the floor.

Notes from the Breakout session

Please send an email to Jan Hains if you would like a copy of any of the above material – jan@janhains.co.nz

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