The NZ Property Investors Federation (NZPIF) supports the focus on heating and Insulation in Phil Twyford’s Healthy Homes Guarantee Bill.
“The focus of the Healthy Homes Guarantee Bill is sensible and pragmatic. It tackles the two biggest problems, the cold and the damp, and it shouldn't incur large compliance costs compared to a Warrant of Fitness” says NZPIF Executive Officer Andrew King.
The NZPIF believes that well intentioned calls for a Warrant of Fitness (WOF) on rental properties to improve the health outcomes of children may be expensive to administer and the requirements for the WOF have already started to escalate.
Under the Healthy Homes Guarantee Bill, Landlords will be required to make a declaration that their rental property meets the standards required by EECA. While the detail of these requirements is not yet known, this system will minimise rental price increases by eliminating the regular and expensive WOF inspections of rental property.
"The focus of any new regulations should be the low income tenants with sick children" says King. "We need solutions that minimise rental price increases, as a big part of the existing problem is tenants being unable to afford the power to heat their homes. An expensive WOF system will only make this worse.”
NZPIF Media release 25 March 2014
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