Taranaki Property Investors' Association


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A Word from the President ...

I was so disappointed that I couldn’t be at the last meeting. Unfortunately I had to be in Auckland prior to the meeting.I was trying desperately to get back in time for Matthew Gilligan but everything seemed to conspire against me. The weather was rubbish. The “Para’s” were closed. The end result was I missed the meeting. The ironic thing was Matthew also came from Auckland. The difference was he flew and arrived here in time. I drove and was late. Don’t you hate that?

I offer my thanks and appreciation to those that filled in for me in my absence. 

Since the meeting I have repeatedly heard from various members how good Matthew was. I have also been asked about structures, LAQC’s, tax, depreciation and on and on. Obviously it was a good meeting. Anything that promotes discussion has got to be good.

We have another good speaker this month. Kieran Trass is well known in Property Investor circles for his enthusiasm for the property cycle. He is the author of “Grow rich with the Property Cycle” and he advises me he has another book due out in September. 

Recently as a member of the NZPIF executive I was invited to discuss the RTA amendment Act with the Policy committee in Wellington. This committee has been tasked with formulating the amendments to the RTA act.Although at this stage we were advised that everything was confidential they were happy to discuss the proposed changes with the NZPIF and took cognizance of the views expressed. I watch with interest how the Act develops.

Our committee has met for the second time now. What an enthusiastic bunch they are. Already things are starting to race ahead. The Library proposal is an exciting innovation. With the generous donation received from Pam it won’t be long before we have a great range of books and news letters to choose from. I strongly suggest that members consider taking the opportunity to contribute to the collection as well as borrowing the books and newsletters from around the country. More will be available on this soon.

A new program of speakers has been penciled in and if all goes well we will have an interesting time ahead. I pleased to be able to advise that Geoff Montgomery, Operations Manager of Tenancy Services, will be the speaker in September.He will be letting us know about changes to Tenancy Services including the new web site and the naughty tenants list. This is a meeting not to be missed.

The last thing I wish to mention in this column is that the committee is working hard on your behalf. However they can’t work in isolation. Although the ideas conceived are sound and a variety of things are underway we need ideas and suggestions on what we can do to make the evenings interesting and fun. It is a learning experience but it doesn’t need to be dull or boring. What do you want to see us arrange? Have you told us? Why not?

Allan S
