Taranaki Property Investors' Association


News & Updates

Recent updates

  • New loan-to-value ratio (LVR) restrictions
    Today the Reserve bank has released its new lending LVR restrictions in a bid to slow down the bolting housing market.
    09-02-2021 more >>
  • NZPIF response to the Privacy Commissioner
    The NZPIF agrees with the Privacy Commissioner NZPIF response to the Privacy Commissioner that the collection, retention, and disclosure of personal information on tenants must be open and fair.
    04-02-2021 more >>
  • Amalgamation of Property Investors Associations in Wellington announced
    The New Zealand Property Investors Federation (NZPIF) is delighted to announce the amalgamation of Capital and Wellington Property Investors Associations. The new association will continue under the name of Wellington Property Investors Association.
    04-12-2020 more >>
  • Separate division of the Tenancy Tribunal essential
    The latest figures for the Tenancy Tribunal have been released for November. The statistics show that the majority of applications to the Tribunal are made by landlords and are for rent arrears and bond refunds.
    03-12-2020 more >>
  • An education program for landlords by landlords
    After calls for regulation of the rental property industry earlier this year, the New Zealand Property Investors’ Federation (NZPIF) has developed an education program designed specifically for self-managing landlords, who make up 60% of all property managers.
    08-10-2020 more >>
  • Relief for tenants
    The NZ Property Investors Federation is extremely pleased that National is looking to provide more homes for tenants, while better protecting all New Zealanders from living next to antisocial tenants.
    06-10-2020 more >>
  • Huge taxpayer cost to achieve the Green Party's housing policy
    The Green Party has announced that, if it forms part of the next Government with Labour, it would build 5,000 new State Houses per year and create a sustainable, non-profit rental sector through Crown financial guarantees for community housing providers.
    14-08-2020 more >>
  • The real reason for changes to the RTA
    Marama Davidson has revealed the real reason for changes to the Residential Tenancies Act. In a speech during the debate on the Bill in Parliament this week, she said the Bill “will incentivise property owners to move out of owning property for rental purposes.
    07-08-2020 more >>
  • NZPIF challenges statements made by the Associate Minister of Housing
    The Associate Minister of Housing Kris Faafoi issued a press release last night regarding the passing of the Residential Tenancies Amendment Bill.  The President of the NZ Property Investors’ Federation, Andrew King, challenges statements made in this release. 
    06-08-2020 more >>
  • Sad day for tenants and landlords
    Today Parliament has passed under urgency the Residential Tenancies Amendment Bill. This bill has some major changes for both tenants and landlords alike, and none of them are good news.
    05-08-2020 more >>
  • Proposed RTA change means tenant anti-social behaviour more likely
    Recent comments by a senior solicitor at Morrison Kent, Evan Whetton, has backed up NZ Property Investors’ Federations concerns over radical changes to the Residential Tenancies Act.
    27-07-2020 more >>
  • Disappointment with the Residential Tenancies Amendment Bill
    The NZ Property Investors Federation (NZPIF) is disappointed that the Residential Tenancies Amendment Bill has been released for its second reading with only minimal changes.
    12-07-2020 more >>
  • More assistance for tenants and termination restrictions lifted
    Usual termination rules will now apply from 26th June 2020. The removal of these temporary measures allows landlords to give termination notices to tenants under the standard Residential Tenancies Act 1986 provisions. Usual notice periods will apply from the date notices are given. Landlords who have had fixed-term agreements rollover can now send notices to terminate these tenancies.
    19-06-2020 more >>
  • The effect of lockdown on landlords and tenants
    Here are the results of a recent survey of 639 NZPIF members
    05-06-2020 more >>
  • Extension for Healthy Homes Compliance Statement requirement
    Sharon Cullwick, NZ Property Investors Federation (NZPIF) Executive Officer, welcomes the extension by the Government of the deadline requiring landlords to provide Healthy Homes Compliance Statements. The original date was the 1st July 2020 and this date has been extended until the 1st of December 2020.
    04-06-2020 more >>
  • Increase in housing is being hindered
    Of the 270,000 rental houses in New Zealand, 90% are provided by the private rental sector with only a small percentage available through Housing New Zealand and other community-based organisations. Although any house available for rental is a help, having an excess supply of these is the only way to solve the current issue.
    20-05-2020 more >>
  • Students fight for their right to party
    Verbal submissions were made today to the Social Services Select Committee looking into changes to the Residential Tenancies Act. A section of the Act gives tenants the right to perform up to eight significantly disruptive acts a year, and, as long as there are not more than two of these in any one three month period, it will not be until the end of that year that their landlord can apply to have their tenancy ended with three months’ notice.
    17-04-2020 more >>
  • The effect of the Covid-19 regulations on landlords
    The NZ Property Investors Federation (NZPIF) has just organised the first in a series of surveys of rental property owners and property managers to see how they are being affected by the Covid - 19 lock down.
    03-04-2020 more >>
  • Delay ring-fencing and save lives
    Covid-19 relief package from the Government includes increasing the threshold from $500 to $5,000 which will determine which assets can be written off as expenses for the 2020/21 tax year.
    01-04-2020 more >>
  • Rental increase freeze not a rent freeze
    The NZ Property Investors’ Federation is concerned that many tenants have mistaken the Government announcement banning rent increases as a freeze on having to pay rent.
    30-03-2020 more >>
  • Housing should be considered an essential service
    Sharon Cullwiick, NZPIF Executive Officer, says you would think that supplying a house for someone to occupy would be an essential service, but it would seem not.
    26-03-2020 more >>
  • Taranaki Property Investors' Association has postponed its planned March 17 meeting in New Plymouth
    The Taranaki Property Investors’ Association has postponed its scheduled Tuesday evening [March 17] public meeting in New Plymouth due to the coronavirus risk. President Richard Woodd said the association had made the decision in the interests of the potential risk to the health of its members and guests.
    16-03-2020 more >>
  • Record rental prices
    Rental price statistics for February 2020, just released, show an all-time highest average national rental price of $480 per week. This compares with $460 in February 2019 and $440 in February 2018.
    11-03-2020 more >>
  • Landlords - have you ever thought of yourself as a criminal?
    "Landlords, do you realise that under the proposed changes outlined in the Residential Tenancy Amendment Bill, currently before the Social Services and Community Select Committee, you now have a much higher chance of being charged with criminal offences regarding your rental property?" asks Sharon Cullwick, Executive Officer of the NZ Property Investors' Federation (NZPIF)
    05-03-2020 more >>
  • NZPIF continues campaign with a new Executive Officer
    The NZ Property Investors' Federation (NZPIF) Executive Committee is very pleased to announce the appointment of Sharon Cullwick as the new NZPIF Executive Officer.
    03-03-2020 more >>

  • Results: 26-50 of 164