Social Housing Minister Paula Bennett today announced details of the Government’s funding boost for emergency housing providers, and a comprehensive funding review of the sector. 26-03-2015 more >>
The Healthy Homes Bill was defeated last week and Peter Malcolm of Closing the Gap is completely wrong to say that Government rejected this bill to save landlords money. 23-03-2015 more >>
The Rules Reduction Taskforce has recently been appointed by the Minister of Local Government and they do want to hear about all the rules which get in the way of good ideas 19-03-2015 more >>
Representatives of the 20 Property Investors’ Associations (PIAs) affiliated to the NZ Property Investors’ Federation (NZPIF) will gather in Wellington at the Airport Conference Centre on 29 March 19-03-2015 more >>
This week MBIE asked for proposals to conduct research on the drivers of landlord motivation to upgrade and maintain their rental properties, where children in those properties may be at risk of rheumatic fever. 19-03-2015 more >>
Towards the end of last year, an organisation called the Financial Services Council (FSC) launched a campaign to reduce the tax obligations for Kiwisaver savings and some term deposits 15-03-2015 more >>
The number of new dwellings consented was 3.6 percent higher in January 2015, compared with January 2014, Statistics New Zealand said today. Excluding apartments, this number was 6.8 percent lower. 27-02-2015 more >>
Finance Minister Bill English focused on Auckland’s housing issues at Finance 2015, an annual event co-hosted by Massey University and the Auckland Chamber of Commerce. 26-02-2015 more >>
Demand for rental property from tenants tends to increase during the months of January and February each year. Because of this, these months are an excellent time to check your rental income to see if your rates should be increased. 22-02-2015 more >>