Taranaki Property Investors' Association


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Taranaki (TPIA) News

Lack of rental property supply

Recent information from Trade Me indicates that there is a lack of adequate rental property supply in many parts of New Zealand. There could be a few reasons for this.
18-02-2018 more >>

No immediate answers from Housing Stocktake

“The NZPIF agrees with the authors of the Housing Stocktake released today that private rental housing will continue to feature prominently in our future housing landscape”, says Andrew King, executive officer.
12-02-2018 more >>

Official Cash Rate (OCR) unchanged at 1.75 percent

In a statement by Reserve Bank Governor Grant Spencer, the Reserve Bank today left the Official Cash Rate (OCR) unchanged at 1.75 percent.
08-02-2018 more >>

Tony Mounce Mortgages and Insurance becomes Principal Sponsor of 2018 NZPIF Conference

We are delighted to announce that the Principal Sponsor of this year's Conference.
29-01-2018 more >>

Build to rent could be the missing piece of the affordable housing puzzle

A UK build-to-rent housing model that treats residential tenancy similar to commercial tenancy could be one answer to New Zealand’s inadequate rental stock.
29-01-2018 more >>

It will be a challenging year for rental property providers

It is the start of what is likely to be a challenging year for rental property providers. Hopefully you will have some time off work and while rest and recreation is important, it is also a good time to take stock of your investments.
18-01-2018 more >>

G-Force makes insulating your rental property as simple as 1-2-3

G-Force We Install is pleased to be able to offer NZPIF members a special national rate for supply and installation of ceiling and/or underfloor insulation to meet the new RTA requirements.
14-12-2017 more >>

Undue panic created around meth contamination of properties

Andrew King says the NZPIF agrees with the Minister of Housing's comments that there has been undue panic created around meth contamination of properties
10-12-2017 more >>

Annual household income has risen 50.5% since 2007

Household income and housing-cost statistics: Year ended June 2017­ was corrected on 8 December 2017.
08-12-2017 more >>

Healthy Homes Guarantee Act a milestone for New Zealand

Every New Zealander deserves a warm, healthy home to live in, and the Health Homes Guarantee Act will help ensure that, said Minister of Housing and Urban Development Phil Twyford.
01-12-2017 more >>

No new housing surge says Tony Alexander

The Reserve Bank surprised most people yesterday with its move to ease up the loan to value ratio (LVR) credit controls introduced in October 2013 then strengthened in October 2015 and July last year.
30-11-2017 more >>

The Reserve Bank is undertaking a modest easing of the LVR restrictions from 1 January 2018

Reserve Bank Governor says "Over the past six months, pressures in the housing market have continued to moderate due to the tightening of LVR restrictions in October 2016, a more general firming of bank lending standards and an increase in mortgage interest rates in early 2017. Housing market policies announced by the Government are also expected to have a dampening effect on the housing market. In light of these developments, the Reserve Bank is undertaking a modest easing of the LVR restrictions"
29-11-2017 more >>

Housing and Urban Development Minister Phil Twyford commissions a independent stocktake of the housing crisis.

Housing and Urban Development Minister Phil Twyford has commissioned three of New Zealand’s leading experts to provide an independent stocktake of the housing crisis. “For too long, the previous Government refused to accept the housing crisis and establish the scale of the problem we face,” says Minister Twyford.
26-11-2017 more >>

Official Cash Rate (OCR) unchanged at 1.75 percent

The Reserve Bank today left the Official Cash Rate (OCR) unchanged at 1.75 percent. Statement by Reserve Bank Governor Grant Spencer:
09-11-2017 more >>

Andrew King, NZPIF Executive Officer, reviews the possible effects of the policies of the new Government

The election has been decided and our industry is in for a large amount of change.
09-11-2017 more >>

REINZ October report

Median residential property prices across New Zealand have increased by 1.2% year-on-year to $525,000 according to the latest data from the Real Institute of New Zealand (REINZ)
02-11-2017 more >>

Young landlord shares methods behind her success

By Richard Woodd Kathryn Seque started buying houses at 18. Now she is 25 and owns four. But she is also one of the biggest landlords in New Zealand, managing 80 rentals for her father Cliff and other family members in university city Dunedin, 45 to students and 35 to other people. It is a 24/7 salaried job for Kathryn, who was voted the NZ Property Investors Federation Landlord of the Year for 2016-17 and as guest speaker to the October public event for TPIA, she revealed some of her landlord modus operandi.
23-10-2017 more >>

2017 ANZ survey of residential property investors

Here are the key findings of the 2017 survey
16-10-2017 more >>

Security of tenure for tenants

One of the election topics within the housing realm was security of tenure for tenants.
09-10-2017 more >>

Nick Goodall of CoreLogic examines the post election market

Nick also asks the question where are we headed now?
07-10-2017 more >>

Overview of September 2017 talk by Colin Comber

Colin Comber: from Amway to multi-million dollar apartments. Read about Colin's journey...followed by Telfer Young talk as sponsor for the September 2017 evening's meeting.
05-10-2017 more >>

ANZ Property Focus for September

In this month’s feature article, our Chief Economist Cameron Bagrie provides some quick answers to topical housing market questions
02-10-2017 more >>

Official Cash Rate (OCR) unchanged at 1.75 percent

Statement by Reserve Bank Acting Governor Grant Spencer: The Reserve Bank today left the Official Cash Rate (OCR) unchanged at 1.75 percent.
28-09-2017 more >>

Protection of tenant rights

"It is important to protect tenant rights," said Andrew King, executive officer of the NZ Property Investors’ Federation. "However, it is not correct to say that tenants have no rights in New Zealand and that tenancy laws need to be rebalanced towards the tenant".
18-09-2017 more >>

Landlords offer stable tenancies

A survey of 816 rental property owners shows that 49% would like their tenants to stay in the property for a very long time as they have no intention of selling. Another 12.7% would like them to stay for at least the next 10 years after which they may start thinking about selling the property.
15-09-2017 more >>

Results: 276-300 of 2,407