Taranaki Property Investors' Association


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Recent updates

  • Healthy Homes Guarantee Act a milestone for New Zealand
    Every New Zealander deserves a warm, healthy home to live in, and the Health Homes Guarantee Act will help ensure that, said Minister of Housing and Urban Development Phil Twyford.
    01-12-2017 more >>
  • Housing and Urban Development Minister Phil Twyford commissions a independent stocktake of the housing crisis.
    Housing and Urban Development Minister Phil Twyford has commissioned three of New Zealand’s leading experts to provide an independent stocktake of the housing crisis. “For too long, the previous Government refused to accept the housing crisis and establish the scale of the problem we face,” says Minister Twyford.
    26-11-2017 more >>
  • Ground-breaking new policy to make homes cheaper
    Labour’s ground-breaking new policy on reforming planning rules will make housing more affordable, Labour’s Housing spokesperson Phil Twyford says.
    07-11-2015 more >>
  • Will rental WOFs make the grade?
    On paper it sounds like a great idea. A checklist for rental properties which, if mandatory, would ensure that the 31 per cent of the population who rent are in liveable homes. Increasingly, though, there are murmurs from landlords and real estate agents about whether the rental "warrant of fitness" idea being proposed at council level will improve the tenant's lot.
    23-02-2014 more >>

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