Facts not scaremongering In a Radio NZ interview today, Labour's housing spokesperson said that the NZ Property Investors' Federation (NZPIF) was scaremongering by releasing findings of a survey that showed that nearly three quarters of rental property owners would increase rents if some of Labour's housing policies were introduced. He also said that NZPIF did not explain why this would happen. 14-09-2017 more >>
Speaker: Political Panel. Sponsor: Team Taranaki Rental - Harcourts Join us on Tuesday August 15th 2017 at 7.30pm to hear our Political Party representatives share their policies and views on Residential Property Investment matters as we head into the 2017 Election. All welcome. We hope to see you there! 15-08-2017 more >>
Labour support on city limits welcomed The new position by the Labour opposition calling for an abolition of city limits has been welcomed by Building and Housing Minister Dr Nick Smith. 18-05-2016 more >>
Labour to Ring Fence rental property losses Among the detail in Labour’s Monetary Policy Upgrade is ring-fencing of losses made in the early years of rental property ownership. A similar policy has been tried, failed and reversed in Australia. In the 2 year period it was law, Australian rents rose by over 25%. 05-05-2014 more >>
Rents could go up by 25% under Labour Among the detail in Labour’s Monetary Policy Upgrade is ring-fencing of losses made in the early years of rental property ownership. 30-04-2014 more >>
Capital gains tax part of Labour policy Alongside a capital gains tax, our KiwiBuild housing policy, universal KiwiSaver and reduced costs to businesses through NZ Power, Labour is offering an alternative that will help Kiwi families and ensure our economy can create better jobs and higher wages,†says David Parker 29-04-2014 more >>