Prime Minister John Key announces resignation Just a few days ago I marked the anniversary of my eighth year as Prime Minister and my tenth as leader of the National Party.
Such an occasion seems a fitting time to not only take stock of the past 10 years, but to look forward. 05-12-2016 more >>
$1b fund to accelerate housing infrastructure The Prime Minister today announced a new $1 billion Housing Infrastructure Fund to accelerate the supply of new housing where it’s needed most, Finance Minister Bill English and Building and Housing Minister Dr Nick Smith say. 03-07-2016 more >>
Joyce defends ‘more efficient' Super Ministry Property Investors have questioned why the Department of Building and Housing (DBH) will be merged with the ministries of Economic Development, Labour and Science and Innovation. 17-03-2012 more >>
NZPIF slams ‘Super Ministry' plans Plans to fold the Department of Building and Housing (DBH) into a new Super Ministry "may disadvantage everyone in the rental industry," claim the Property Investors Federation (NZPIF). 16-03-2012 more >>
Landlords fret over possible tax hit 180,000 Kiwi landlords with about $213 billion invested in the sector could be in for a rude awakening come Tuesday. 06-02-2010 more >>
Key all but rules out property capital gains tax While the Prime Minister John Key virtually ruled out a capital gains tax yesterday, he is much less unequivocal about other forms of tax on property investment. 15-09-2009 more >>
NZPIF Opposes Capital Gains Tax The NZPIF has been campaigning on behalf of it's members in opposition to proposals to introduce a Capital Gains Tax for Property Investors. 15-09-2009 more >>