Communications Meeting May 9 2020
On May 9 2020, the Communications Meeting was held on Zoom as New Zealand was still in Level 3 of the Lockdown. Forty participants attended this online meeting. Here is the agenda of the meeting
A feature of the meeting was a presentation by Nick Goodall, Research Manager of CoreLogic. Here is a video of his presentation.
How to play a Video through Zoom to an Audience
If you are playing a recorded video through your computer to an audience and they are not receiving the sound try this:
Go to ‘Settings' – then ‘Sound' – then ‘Input Devices' click enable ‘Stereo Mix' - also if you are on Zoom ask the audience to Mute their speakers so you don't get feedback. (If you are the Host you can Mute them yourself). After the Video has finished you may need to reverse these settings.
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